Support Nature’s Grove Preserve
To make the purchase possible, Nature’s Grove took a personal bridge loan of $89,000. This loan comes due in July 2024. It’s still possible to support the Gilbert Grove purchase.
Monthly pledges are very helpful, as they provide a reliable revenue stream. In addition to cash donations, Nature’s Grove’s Directors have committed $355/month towards this purchase.
Dana given to Nature’s Grove is tax deductible: IRS 501(c)(3) EIN 92-3215801
One-time donations of any amount are gratefully accepted.
Monthly pledges provide a predictable cash flow.
Nature’s Grove can accept employer matching funds. Contact your company’s HR department for more information.
Personal loans an option and can be arranged on an individual contract basis.
Support Nature’s Grove Preserve via PayPal:
PayPal charges 1.99% + $0.49 per transaction. You can help by adding this fee to your donation.
In supporting Nature’s Grove, you are first and foremost helping to protect the meditation environment of Dhamma Kuñja. You are also supporting future possibilities for community to rise up around the center, from staff housing and other services, such as laundry, to old students establishing residency for various lengths of time.

We will be gathering on the weekend of August 23-25 to work on the properties, especially Gilbert Grove. As you can see, there is a lot of Northwest plant biomass to whack back!
Nature’s Grove has a need for garden tools, and tools in general.
In the near term and for that weekend we specifically need landscaping tools:
–limbing saws
Longer term, we need to build an inventory of tools and supplies to maintain the properties.
Please contact Dean at (206) 427-0140. Thanks!